Less Tech, More Fun!

After a break, I have gotten back into my project. I had written a new voxel engine in the summer that allows for streaming in of chunks and pretty much unlimited travel in any direction (I will post something about…
After a break, I have gotten back into my project. I had written a new voxel engine in the summer that allows for streaming in of chunks and pretty much unlimited travel in any direction (I will post something about…
I have been struggling with moving large numbers of entities through the world. Unity’s NavMesh Agents was great. but not something that could work with abstracted areas. My custom A* system was great at finding the best path through voxels,…
World editing and persistence is something that has been avoided so far due to the complexity, but it has finally been tackled. Editing the world outside of play mode is something that I really wanted to do. I really want…
The first attempt at the behavior tree controlling the player’s actions was not going to work because it could only handle a single button press in a frame. Additionally, the way actions were assigned to the input method was very…
It has been quiet here, but the work is still on going. Not super exciting work, but creating solid frame work for this game and others to come. The videos that I have shared previously have been thrown together code…
Implemented NPCs building as a test. It was pretty easy with the systems I already had created, but it still needs a lot of work including:
I asked Chat GPT to give a quote about building and it wasn’t bad: “Building is not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about shaping the future, one cornerstone at a time.” I have been thinking about how to handle…
World Information Normally in RTS games the player has good knowledge of the state of the world. There might be a fog of war that obscures parts of the map, but it might be interesting having a game where the…